Residents protest planned demolition of buildings in Trademore Estate

They are demanding improved waterways as a solution rather than demolitions.

Residents protest planned demolition of buildings in Trademore Estate

Residents protest planned demolition of buildings in Trademore Estate

Residents in Trademore estate, Lugbe area, Abuja, are protesting the planned demolition of buildings due to persistent flooding.

They demand improved waterways as a solution rather than demolitions, after the estate was declared a disaster area.

Following massive flooding on June 23, the federal capital territory administration (FCTA) intends to demolish affected buildings.

Adewale Adenaike, speaking for the residents, criticized the FCTA’s leadership for neglecting the persistent flooding issue.

He accused them of opting for demolitions rather than effectively addressing the problem, calling it a “lazy engineering approach.”

Adelaide vowed that the estate’s occupants will fiercely oppose the demolitions using all available means.

He mentioned a court order in place, prohibiting any action until the case is resolved.

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