I embraced Islam out of love for my husband – Mercy Aigbe

The thing is when it comes to religion, I am a very liberal person, and I love my husband. It's all exciting for me because "I am learning the religion and everything, so it's exciting. But at the end of the day, we all serve one God."

Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe, also known as Hajia Meenah, shared the genuine reason for her conversion from Christianity to Islam in a recent interview on the Your View talk show.

During the conversation, the veteran actress expressed her deep affection for her husband, Kazim Adeoti, highlighting that her love for him played a significant role in her decision to change her religion. She emphasized her stress-free personality as another factor that made the transition to Islam smoother for her.

Aigbe stated, “I love my husband so very much; I’m such a lover girl and I’m very emotional, and I love love. I’m a 45-year-old woman, and I am responsible for my actions and decisions, so my family didn’t say much. The thing is when it comes to religion, I am a very liberal person, and I love my husband. It’s all exciting for me because I am learning the religion and everything, so it’s exciting. But at the end of the day, we all serve one God.”

In April 2023, the actress surprised her social media followers by announcing her conversion just before the beginning of Ramadan, adopting the name Hajia Meenah Mercy Adeoti. She expressed her joy and fulfillment during the Ramadan period, appreciating the opportunity to gather and learn about the pillars of Islam.

After the announcement, Aigbe gradually adjusted to the changes in her lifestyle. In June, she joined her husband on a religious pilgrimage to Mecca, further embracing her newfound faith.

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