China to grant zero customs tariff to six least-developed African countries

The commission said the move aimed to embody the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation and facilitate a high-quality China-Africa community with a shared future.

China to grant zero customs tariff to six least-developed African countries

China to grant zero customs tariff to six least-developed African countries

China will provide zero-tariff treatment for six least-developed African countries, says the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council.

The commission announced this on Wednesday, Nov  6, 2024.

It said that starting on December 25, 98 per cent of taxable products from Angola, The Gambia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Mali and Mauritania will be exempt from tariffs when entering China, the commission revealed in a statement.

The commission said the move aimed to embody the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation and facilitate a high-quality China-Africa community with a shared future.

According to the commission, China will expand its zero-tariff treatment to all the least-developed countries with which it has established diplomatic relations in the next step.

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