After the arena games when the parrot revealed the conversations of certain All Stars housemates, chaos erupted in the Big Brother Naija house. Following the parrot’s revelations, a heated shouting match ensued, involving Angel, Doyin, Kim Oprah, and Neoenergy.
Angel and Neoenergy kicked off the drama when the parrot exposed a conversation where Doyin talked about feeling betrayed by Angel. This revelation led to a heated exchange between Angel and Neoenergy, with name-calling and harsh words exchanged.
In the second round of chaos, Kim Oprah and Doyin were at odds. The parrot disclosed a conversation where Pere was referred to as a “weakling” in the context of a love triangle involving him, Kim Oprah, and Cross. Doyin vehemently denied it, and both Kim Oprah and Doyin raised their voices, demanding that gossip about them should stop.Subsequently, Doyin clarified to Cross that she didn’t call Pere a “weakling” but rather “Whitney,” emphasizing that she used that term in his presence to signify his soft personality.
The parrot’s revelations left Pere in tears, and fellow housemates Alex, Angel, Sholzy, and Venita tried to console him. Sholzy mentioned that a strong man doesn’t succumb to emotions. Doyin also assured Pere that nobody called him a ‘weakling.’ However, Pere expressed his intent to confront certain individuals calmly, believing that the house was about to dislike him even more. He hinted at a change in his demeanor, raising questions about the readiness of other housemates.
Angel decided to leave the pool and grill party early due to the drama’s intensity. Soma also departed to be with her.
During the night, Mercy Eke presented a short movie, boasting to Ilebaye that she could say anything in front of anyone and confidently predicting her second victory in the show. However, Biggie reprimanded her for microphone infringement, leading to a threat to leave the house.