Tragedy struck in the Tungar Kara community under Gidan Goga district of Maradun Local Government Area, Zamfara State, on Saturday evening, as an airstrike by the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) mistakenly hit members of the Zamfara Community Protection Guard (ZCPG), local vigilantes and residents, leaving at least 16 people dead.
Channels TV reports that the incident occurred shortly after armed bandits raided the area and fled.
Local vigilantes and residents, who were defending their community against the attackers, were reportedly caught in the airstrike.
The incident was confirmed by a lawmaker representing Maradun II Constituency in the Zamfara State House of Assembly Maharazu Salisu Gado Faru.
The incident was confirmed by a lawmaker representing Maradun II Constituency in the Zamfara State House of Assembly Maharazu Salisu Gado Faru.
According to the lawmaker, the exact death toll remains unconfirmed at this time.